Bed bugs are tiny little night terrors that interrupt sleep, they cause allergic reactions and even unnecessary doctors visits. A single bite from one of these vampire like insects can cause skin irritations and severe allergies. Asthma and respiratory problems are common symptoms of a large Bed Bug infestation. These obnoxious little insects cant wait for you to lay your head down so that they can dive in and have their first blood feast for the night. Bed Bug Control Wynberg is a service you can trust. This team of seasoned professionals know the biology of Biting Insects and all the industries tips and tricks for successful eradication.
Bed Bug Control Wynberg are a specialist team of processionals that target chemical resistant insects such as Bed Bugs. Resistance breaking insecticides combined with years of active field experience make us the best. Effective Bed Bug removal starts with knowledge of the species and cutting edge chemical technology. Combine this with a team of Pest Control specialists equipped with professional application equipment and you have a recipe for success.

What causes a Bed Bug Infestation?
Wynberg has such a beautiful climate. Optimal heat and humidity throughout the year provide Bed Bugs with prime conditions they need to thrive. The higher the heat and humidity of their environment, the faster their metabolism. Bed Bugs thrive on humans for survival hence their popularity in hotels and public transport.
A severe Bed Bug infestation in Wynberg can be contracted through many means. Poor general health and hygiene conditions may make an infestation tougher to control but will not necessarily be the cause of one. According to the experts at Bed Bug Control Wynberg, here are some of the main ways in which you can get a Bed Bug infestation in your home or work place.
So, were do Bed Bugs come from?
- Do you travel a lot? Hotels, Motels and short term rental accommodation are common breeding grounds for all manor on insects. Because different people from different walks of life frequent these establishments. Bed Bugs and other insects commonly hitch hike in luggage and clothing from one city to another.
- Do you buy second hand bedding, clothes or furniture? Second hand goods are the most common cause for insects infestations. Cockroaches as well as Bed Bugs commonly move and infest from place to place using couches, white goods and even bedding or cloths as harbourage.
- Do you stay in a bock of apartments or semi detached accommodation? Bed Bugs are insects, they have 6 legs and contrary to popular belief, they can walk. If you stay in a multi story complex that has a history of Bed Bug Infestations, chances are your not far from one your self. These primarily nocturnal insects move around in the darkness of night, moving from one bed to another.
Infestations can be picked up in so many ways and by so many places. In most cases its just an unlucky occupational hazard associated by living life to the fullest. With the help from Bed Bug Control Wynberg experts, preventative treatments can stop any creepy crawlies from entering and infesting your home.
How to get rid of Bed Bugs?
Bed Bugs are an unpleasant and welcomed intruder in any situation. Fortunately, there are things you can do to deter or at least eliminate a Bed Bug or two before they get out of hand. Bed Bug Control Wynberg have a few helpful tips and tricks to help you rid your self from these blood thirsty terrorists.
This method of treatment is highly effective if followed to the tee, however it does not do the work of a Pest Control professional. Its always advised to seek the help of an experience professional. This way, you can save time, money and any risk of a re infestation.
Preparation for getting rid of Bed Bugs for good!
- Purchase an advanced and resistance breaking Bed Bug Control product. Decent products are few and far between. Tried and tested products will consequently lead to a Bed Bug free home or workplace.
- Prepare you home for the treatment. The success of any treatment relies on the correct preparation of your home or workplace.
- Remove all your bedding and have it washed professionally at a high temperature. Don’t forget scatter cushions, plush toys and those easily forgettable night frills.
- Make sure there no harbourage areas under your bed. Throw away old magazines, shoes that may be contaminated as well as any potential harbourage places Bed Bugs may hide
- If you have a linen kist at the foot of your bed, make sure all those linens are also laundered. Bed Bugs congregate around any bedside furniture.
- Empty and clean out your bed side tables. Books and other items can be aiding and a beading a Bed Bug or 10.
- Use a brush to scrub live Bed Bugs as well as eggs and larvae from the creases in your mattress and bed base. Bed Bugs have this bad habit of hiding in deep dark cracks and crevasses in your room.
- Go to your local hardware shop and buy Karbadust. Place a table spoon on this product into the bag of your vacuum cleaner and vacuum up all the debris on the floor and mattress. The Karbadust will make sure the live insects that are vacuumed up will not continue to breed inside the bag of your vacuum cleaner.
- Finally take your Bed Bug Control product, mix it and use it as directed. Apply the mixed product to all the high risk areas as well as areas they hide of your previously prepared home.
Where do Bed Bugs hide?
Some cultured think Bed Bugs are things of myth, while others believe they are microscopic or invisible. Bed Bugs are very real, they bite like hell and run even faster. Just because these illusive creatures are rarely seen, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They are just really good at hiding out in the most obscure places.
The Bed Bug gets its name from the areas it frequents most. From the creases in your mattress to those slight folds in the base of your bed, these insects find the deepest and darkest cracks to hide in. Here are a few of the most common places Bed Bugs hide.
- Behind your headboard.
- In the creases of your mattress of bed base.
- Underneath your skirting boards or cornish
- Inside the grooves of your bed side table or in the sliding drawers under your bed.
- Shoes, luggage bags and other stored items under your bed.
- Paintings, curtains or even potted plants close to your bed.
Bed Bugs in Wynberg
Bed Bugs in Wynberg can infest your home or workplace irrespective or your socioeconomic status. Attracted to your heat and carbon dioxide emissions, Bed Bugs are always 1 step ahead of us.
Bed Bug Control Wynberg are the local experts and authority when it comes to preventative treatments or cure of infestations. We don’t just spray and pray but rather apply targeted control methods based on your unique situation. Bed Bug Control Wynberg staff use biology and cutting edge chemical technology to our Bed Bug eradication. By knowing all the ins and out of the insects we treat we gain the upper hand regardless of the level of infestation.

Bed Bug description:
Adult Bed Bugs are flat and oval shaped insects. They have 6 legs and are reddish brown in color depending on weather they have had a blood feed or not. After a successful feed they may elongate and change shape slightly until their digestive tract is cleared again. Adults grow to about 4mm – 5mm with females being slightly larger and rounder than males. Adult Bed Bugs are very commonly misidentified as German Cockroach nymphs by the untrained eye.
Nymph Bed Bugs appear translucent and gradually change color as they molt. After every molt, they become slightly more brown. The diagram above shows the gradual change in size and shape as they molt.
Bed Bug Control Wynberg are your local seasoned industry experts
Bed Bug Control Wynberg are here for all your exterminations needs. If you reside here in Wynberg, give us a call. Our experts are happy to help with free and no obligation quotations as well as hints and tips of pest prevention.
Regardless of what plague of pests your facing, we should be your number 1 port of call. Bed Bug Control Wynberg guarantee results while not having to worry about staining or bad smells.