Cockroaches are dirty, they spread disease and can cause severe asthma or allergic reactions. Cockroach Control Oranjezicht are your local experts in all things Cockroach. Cockroaches such as the infamous German Cockroach, the larger American Cockroach and even the more illusive Oriental Cockroach don’t stand a chance against our team of Pest Control Specialists.
Cockroach Control Oranjezicht is a tailored extermination service for any species of cockroach regardless of the infestation level. A targeted approach to cockroach eradication is tailored around your unique infestation. Insecticides such as gels, baits and traps are applied rather than broad usage residual insecticides. Guaranteed and unrivaled results are acquired if this approach is adopted here in Oranjezicht. This approach also minimizes any negative impact that the application of insecticides may have on our environment. The application of targeted and more controlled pesticides make all our Cockroach exterminations safer and more effective.
How to get rid of roaches fast?
How to get rid of roaches fast is a very tricky question. Short of purchasing professional pest control products, getting rid of roaches fast is close to impossible. The incorrect application and usage of over the counter insecticides have helped develop an almost unstoppable chemical resistance. German Cockroaches for instance can nearly bathe in many pyrethrins with little to no effect.
There are so many factors that influence the success of any pest control treatment as a result here are a few of the key factors influencing Cockroach Control Oranjezicht.
1. Good general household hygiene
Good general household hygiene is undoubtedly the most import aspect when it comes to successful cockroach control. If the hygiene situation surrounding the infestation is not ideal, the application of any treatment will not be successful. Good general and food hygiene play an important role in the success of the products used. Clean, sanitary and non greasy surfaces are always better for the application of insecticide than those that are dirty.
2. Know the species of cockroach your dealing with
The species of cockroach plays an equally important role in determining the method of treatment. Some cockroaches like humidity while some like heat alone. The key aspects of any treatment depends of the successful identification of the species. This allows us to focus on areas that are integral to the survival of the cockroach species. Removing the reason for the infestation will assist in obtaining the best results possible.
3. Use the correct dosage and application of cockroach control products
The correct dosage and application is key to the successful use of any cockroach control products. Save time and money by using the services of a professional pest controller rather than purchasing products and using them incorrectly. Professional application and equipment ensures an even spread and a successful treatment.
Cockroach Control Oranjezicht have adopted a fail proof approach to our roach extermination service. Targeted pesticides applied to key areas with professional application equipment in key. This means that no matter the severity of your cockroach problem, we will have the solution. Knowledge and experience gained by years in the field give a professional pest controller the edge over any DIY product.
What attracts roaches in the house?
Different circumstances attract different species of cockroach. Heat, humidity and darkness attract German Cockroaches while light attracts American Cockroaches. Knowing the biology and species of the insect gives you insight and upper hand to successfully keep cockroaches away for longer.
Here are a few aspects that attract roaches to your home.
- Poor hygiene, this play an important role in the successful treatment and prevention of any insect or roach infestation. Excess grease and built up grime provides food and harbourage for all manor of insects. Clean homes are far less likely to contract and sustain a cockroach infestation.
- Broken appliances are a great place for cockroaches and other insects to hide. Throw away or recycle broken appliances as apposed to using them for storage. For an easier and more effective treatment minimize harbourage. This will also help prevent future infestations.
- Poor plumbing and building practices provide ingress to your home or workplace. Fix broken tiles, fill holes in walls and floors and above all make sure any old unused plumbing pipes are blocked off. This will prevent all manor or problems associated with the outside world from entering your home.
- Close quarter living also plays an important role when it comes to cockroach infestations. If you reside in a block of flats or semi-detached accommodation. A preventative pest control treatment is recommended at least twice per year. This barrier level of protection will help keep those cockroaches next door from infesting your home.
What home remedy kills cockroaches?
Home remedies have proven to be more useless as the years go by. Tried and tested products have been under diluted, abused or otherwise incorrectly used. This has caused far too many insects to develop a rather tough resistance.
When it comes to home remedies, its always recommended to avoid sprays and traps. Traps are but a means to pin point the level and areas of infestation while sprays can cause respiratory problems. Aerosol sprays especially are only really effective for flushing out electrics as well as killing off straggler insects. They are great to killing a Spider or two. killing an insect that doesn’t belong but useless for effective control of an infestation.
Purchasing or making a home remedy seems the only way to go for some, unfortunately this is far from the truth though. When applying any form of treatment, its always recommended to use targeted baits or gels. Avoid products purchases at chinese markets or spaza shops. These products are often banned, harmful and only available because the Department of Agriculture in South African hasn’t got the man power to remove these illegal products from shops.
When you use a professional Pest Control company such as Cockroaches Control Oranjezicht, targeted baits and gels are always used as opposed to sprays. Safer and more effective baits or gels are more controlled and effective, correct usage makes them odorless and clear drying.
Species treated by Cockroach Control Oranjezicht
Oranjezicht has 3 main species of Cockroach. Two of these are true pests and important to the protection of public health. One is nothing but a casual intruder but quite often misidentified by professionals as an unrelated public health pest.
1. German Cockroach Control Oranjezicht

The infamous German Cockroach, this pest is responsible for disease, diarrhea and an infestation can even end up costing you money. German Cockroaches appear throughout Oranjezicht in epic proportions. Out of control infestations can see number upward from 3 000 individuals. Their fast metabolism, advanced chemical resistance and ability to survive in dire conditions make them the top pest in Oranjezicht and throughout the world.
German Cockroach description:
Adult German Cockroaches (Blattella germanica) range in size between 1.1cm – 1.6cmin length. Their tan to almost black body is defined by the markings in their pronotum. These markings are dark lines that run parallel from the base of their head to the base of their wings. German Cockroaches have a set of wings wings although they can not fly they often glide when disturbed.
Preferred habitat and harbourage of the German Cockroach:
Cockroach Control Oranjezicht largely depends on knowing the species of roach your dealing with, where they live and their ideal conditions. German Cockroaches are often found living in warm and often moist areas. German roaches are most commonly found in fridges, stoves and microwave units. Dark kitchen cupboards as well as in food packaging are favored by German Cockroaches.
The ideal habitat for German Cockroaches would be warm humid and coastal areas. Warm temperatures of 15°c to 35°c are ideal. Oranjezicht has the perfect climate for German Cockroaches to thrive in.
2. American Cockroach Control Oranjezicht

Are you noticing giant cockroaches around your home at night? American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are famous for carrying nasty pathogens from the sewer straight into your home. Although American roaches may not be found in the same number as their German counterparts, their ability to infest you home or workplace is still there. Due to UV light sensitivity, American Cockroaches commonly raise their dirty little heads at night.
American Cockroach description:
American Cockroaches are the largest species of roach treated by Cockroach Control Oranjezicht. Adults average out in size at about 4cm. Fully developed American Cockroaches are identified by the yellowish margin on their pronotum and their distinctive red brown color. Unlike other species, nymphs closely resemble adults except for the absence of wings. According to science, American Cockroaches are one of the fastest moving insects. 5.4km/h has been recorded as the maximum speed of an American Cockroach. That is the equivalent to a human running 330km/h or about 50 body lengths per second.
Preferred habitat and harbourage of the American Cockroach:
American Cockroaches are famous for infesting pizza huts, braai rooms and pretty much any place with piles of wood. The high levels of heat and humidity sustained by wood piles provide a perfect environment for these insects to thrive in. With Oranjezicht being coastal and above all very humid, roach numbers tend to grow exponentially.
Cockroach Control Oranjezicht record the ideal temperature of American Cockroaches to be about 29°c.
3. Oriental Cockroach Control Oranjezicht

Oriental Cockroaches (Blatta orientalis) are not very common throughout Oranjezicht. Commonly misidentified, Oriental Cockroaches look very similar to one of Cape Town’s indigenous species. Cape Town Northern Suburbs as well as Cape Town Southern suburbs are home to Wood Cockroaches that look similar to their Oriental cousins.
Oriental Cockroaches are a common public health pest. Heat and humidity with a fatty protein food source will certainly lead to a cockroach infestation. This species is similar to their cousins, they thrive and increase in numbers exponentially given the right conditions. Unlike Wood Cockroaches, the Oriental Cockroach is known to carry and spread dangerous diseases and pathogens. Salmonella, E Coli and even food poisoning are commonly left behind long after an infestation has been taken care of.
Oriental Cockroach description:
Oriental Cockroaches look largely like large black beetles. Adults range in size between 1.8cm and 2.9cm with an average size being more or less 2.6cm. Oriental Cockroaches have dark brown to black glossy bodies and don’t look anything like German or American roaches. Oriental Cockroaches are flightless even although both males and females have wings. Rounder female Oriental roaches have small non-functional brown wings just under its head while male Oriental Cockroaches have larger flightless wings that span and cover about two thirds of its body.
Preferred habitat and harbourage of the Oriental Cockroach:
Oriental Cockroaches frequent many of the same places as the previous two mentioned on this page. Thai or oriental restaurants with the heat and humidity generated by their unique method of cooking make them prone to infestations. Any industrial or commercial settings are more at risk of an infestation rather than homes.
Oriental Cockroaches thrive in high humidity and heat conditions. 20°c – 30°c is the ideal temperature for Oriental Cockroaches.
Cockroach | German Cockroach | Oriental Cockroach | American Cockroach |
Size | 11mm – 16mm | 18mm – 29mm | 32mm – 54mm |
Habitat | 15°c to 35°c | 20°c – 30°c | 29°c |
Nymph development time | 54–215 days | 164–542 days | 150–360 days |
Average lifespan | 200 days | 35 – 190 days | 90 – 706 days |
Flight | Glide only | none | yes |
Cockroach Control Oranjezicht are pest control specialists
Due to the Cape being home to countless Cockroach Infestations, Service Giant have you covered. Lucky for you, Cockroach Control Oranjezicht are your local authority when it comes to successful Cockroach management.
With only 1 call or message you could be on your way to a free and no obligation quotation as well as a quality guaranteed service. Call us for free help and advice on pest control and management solutions. Seasoned industry staff are ready to take your call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.