Don’t let Fleas become a menace in your home or workplace. Too often pet owners, vets and even animal parks let Flea infestations get out of hand. Not only can an out of control Biting Insect infestation cost you a trip to the vet, they can cause your animal unnecessary amounts of stress and discomfort. Fleas here in Rondebosch are vectors for disease, they can cause skin problems, allergic reactions and even expensive medical bills. Flea Control Rondebosch is here to help. We can put a stop to any level of Flea infestation without any mess or fuss.
Flea Control Rondebosch is a science by which a solution is sought for a Biting Insect infestation. Flea infestations are mostly carried by domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Small mammals such as Rodents or Bats are also a common carriers for Fleas. Effective Flea control starts with identifying the cause of an infestation rather than just treating the result. This provides our clients with a longer lasting, safer and above all guaranteed extermination service.

How to get rid of Fleas in Rondebosch.
Flea Control Rondebosch is no easy feat. There is way more to effective Flea management than just using an ineffective Flea Bomb. As professionals have to take a holistic approach. This includes taking factors into account that could possibly affect the the surrounding environment, the success of the treatment and above all our clients. There are risks attached to the application of any chemical insecticide regardless of weather it in Eco friendly or not.
Flea Control Rondebosch are a group of seasoned professionals that are passionate about keeping our clients Flea free for longer. Here are a few helpful hints and tips to follow to ensure Fleas don’t get out of hand in your home or garden. This is how you get rid of Fleas in Rondebosch.
1) Make sure your pets are always treated.
- Make use of Flea collars, chewable tablets, drops or dips to ensure you pet is Tick and Flea Free.
- When deciding on a product consult you veterinary specialist for a more informed decision.
- Never use the same Tick and Flea remedy more than once at a time. Never use the same the products consecutively. The heat, humidity and environment factors can help the insects to grow resistant to certain chemicals.
- Try not to use cheaper supermarket products, they might be cheaper now but less effective that vet grade products.
2) Ensure you garden and pets bedding are neat tidy and well kept.
- Cat Fleas and Dog Fleas rely on heat, humidity and your pets beds. The hair and dust that collects around your pets bedding should be laundered just as frequently as yours.
- Make sure your garden and home are free of pet hair and sand. Although we don’t find Sand Fleas here in Cape Town, Fleas still like sandy areas frequented by Pets.
- Outside Dog and Cat boxes should be elevated, this stops the buildup of debris such as hair and sand around their kennels.
3) Make sure your home is free of pests.
- Small Rodents such as Rats and Mice as well as small mammals such as Bats and Gerbils are known to spread Fleas and other Biting Insects such as Mites and Lice.
- Make your garden and home less hospitable for all pest species. Remove any possible harbourage, food and water sources as far as possible. This will help detour potential pest problems that may result in a Flea infestation
4) Treat your vacuum cleaner.
- Vacuum cleaners provide the perfect environment for Fleas to breed in. According to the Flea Control Rondebosch experts, you should use a powder insecticide inside your vacuum bag to stop hoovered up Flea’s from breeding inside your vacuum.
5) Have a professional inspect and treat your house.
- The hints and tips mentioned above do not do the work of a professionals Pest Controller. Flea Infestations should be dealt with using professional products to prevent any product resistance. Flea Control Rondebosch are a team of like minded experts than handle all infestations at the cause. We tailor treatments around what you need, this ensures long term results that are guaranteed.
How did i get Fleas in my Rondebosch home?
Fleas are an all too well known pest here in Rondebosch and throughout the world. Weather you have a problem at your home or workplace, Fleas have no prejudice and will infest you premises when you least expect it. Flea Control Rondebosch have a lot to say about how a Flea infestation is contracted. Here are a few of the common areas and ways you can land up with a Flea epidemic in Rondebosch.
1) Public transport and public parks.
- Public spaces are frequented by so many people from different fields of life. Because Fleas are so adaptive, they have the ability to spread from any random passer by.
- Fleas can be left behind on public transport such as buses, taxi’s and even airplanes. These tiny little parasitic insects have the ability to jump over 300x their own height. This gives them the perfect opportunity to infest more suitable hosts as and when they want to.
2) Visitors and guests in your home.
- Visitors and guests from abroad or even up the road have the ability to infest your home with Fleas. Unaware, your guests may have Fleas on them or in their luggage. Flea Control Rondebosch experts have witnessed Flea infestations caused and carried by luggage bags.
- Fleas can travel quietly and will not bite and feed of you unless they are hungry. This means guests may not notice they have a Flea infestation in their home. Their problem could be masked by their animals. Fleas will much rather feed off domestic or wild animals as opposed to us humans.
3) You have an underlying pest infestation.
- As mentioned above, Fleas can me indicative to another infestation. Rodents as well as small mammals and even poultry can mask a Flea problem until it grows out of control. A large scale Flea Infestation will have no choice but to feed off humans.
Diseases transmitted directly by Fleas in Rondebosch
Flea Control Rondebosch is not only about killing tiny little insects that may or may not bite you. Its about keeping your family and furry friends safe from the nasty diseases spread by Fleas and their bites. Here are a few of the more common diseases transmitted by Fleas here in Rondebosch.
1) Bubonic plague
The Bubonic plague is the most common Flea born disease. Also known as the Black Death, the Bubonic plague is responsible for killing about 50 million in the 14th century. This was about 60% of the European population. Every year there are about 650 cases reported globally, of these, there are about 160 deaths. Of these reported deaths, majority of them are in Africa. Without treatment the Bubonic plague has a mortality rate of 90%.
Signs and symptoms include: A general ill feeling followed by a high fever and chills. This is followed by muscle cramps, seizures and the swelling of lymph nodes. As the plague progresses extreme pain is followed by gangrene in ones extremities.
Cause: The Bubonic plague is thought to be spread by the bite from an infected Flea. Fleas carry the virus in them after they have fed on the blood of an infected Black Rat (Rattus rattus)
2) Murine Typhus
Murine Typhus, also called Endemic Typhus is a less common Flea born disease. Rather than a bite, Murine typhus is spread through Flea fecal matter.
Signs and symptoms include: Fever and chills are indicative at the start of this infection. This is followed by nausea and loss of appetite with a rash developing around day 5 of the infection.
Cause: Murine Typhus is not spread by the bite of a Flea but rather the fecal matter. An infection happens when the fecal matter of an infected Flea comes in Contact with a cut or scrape.
Interesting facts about Fleas in Rondebosch:
- Fleas are so strong, they can pull about 160, 000 times their own weight. That is the same as a human pulling 2, 680 buses.
- Fleas can jump up to 30 000 times with out stopping. With each jump they reverse direction and accelerate 50x faster that a rocket ship.
- Fleas are virtually blind, they don’t have ears to hear but sense heat signatures and movement. Fleas use their tiny antennae to locate their next warm blooded moving meal.
- Adult Fleas are attracted to sunlight and the heat it brings while Fleas in their larval stage flee in the opposite direction of light.
- Sand Fleas can be frozen for more than a year and still revive themselves.
- Flea eggs can remain dormant for up to 18months and only hatch when they sense a meal.
Flea Control Rondebosch take care of any species of Flea Infestation
The diverse and beautiful climate here in Rondebosch makes living conditions for pests just about perfect. High humidity in summer as well as a heavy winter rainfall sets the tone for Flea infestations of epic proportions. Rondebosch is home to two main species of Flea that are known to plague homes without prejudice.
1) Cat Flea Control Rondebosch

The Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is not quite as it seem. Their name may suggest that they only feed off feline blood. This is far from the truth, these ferocious parasitic insects are happy with pretty much any warm body. Rondebosch is plagued by Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) more so than any other species. Their knack for survival paired with their rapid fast reproduction make then a formidable opponent to even the more seasoned pest control operator.
Description: Adult Cat Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) range in size between 1mm – 2mm long. They are wingless and reddish brown in color. Gravid female Fleas often appear to have a banded abdomen that’s cream and dark brown. Cat Fleas are extremely thin and powerful insects, this allows then to slip between the coats of fur of their host.
2) Dog Flea Control Rondebosch

The Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides canis) is are very similar to its feline counter part. Their ability to live off far more animals makes them more of a nuisance world wide. Unlike Cat Fleas, the Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides canis) can go without food for a couple months while Cat Fleas with starve within hours. Female Dog Fleas owe their success to the fact that they can lay over 1000 eggs on their hosts skin during their life time.
Description: Dog Fleas look very similar in shape and size to the Cat Flea. The shape of their head determines the species. Dog Fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) have more rounded heads that that of a Cat Flea.
3) Sand Flea Control Rondebosch
Contrary to popular belief, Sand Fleas (Tunga penetrans) also known as Jigger Fleas are not found here in Rondebosch. Sand Fleas are more accustomed to the tropical climates countries like South Sudan, Brazil and Ethiopia have to offer. Female Sand Fleas burrow into your skin laying eggs that hatch and cause extreme infections. Sand Fleas (Tunga penetrans) are not a species to be taken likely.
Description: Adult Sand Fleas (Tunga penetrans) are the smallest of all Flea species not growing more than 1mm in length. Sand Fleas become more easy to identify once they have lodged them selves under your skin. Its at this point they reach about 1cm in diameter. The area starts to itch as it desensitizes, sometimes pressing up against nerves. The female Sand Flea (Tunga penetrans) eventually starts to swell and form a “Flea callus” as it fills with eggs.
The Flea Control Rondebosch team of experts are your local Flea Extermination specialists.
At Service Giant Rondebosch, we pride our selves in workmanship and client satisfaction. Rather than spray and pray, we use science and biology to effectively control any Pest Infestation. By identifying the species of Flea, we can apply a treatment that’s species specific.
Flea Infestations are a nuisance and embarrassing, so if your facing one at your home of workplace give us a call. Quotations have no obligation attached and are free of charge. Seasoned experts are also willing and happy to help with industry hints and tips for effective and long term Pest Management here in Rondebosch.