Scorpions can unexpectedly raise their beady little heads when you least expect it. These creepy looking arachnids may be beneficial to have around but have no place in our home. The summer months here in Kalk Bay bring warm weather and warm weather brings Scorpions, Spiders and other unwanted bugs. Scorpion Control Kalk Bay is here to help. We can ensure your home or workplace is free from unwanted creepy crawlies all summer long. No bad smells, no unpacking and guaranteed results.
Scorpion Control Kalk Bay is a holistic approach to predatory pest management by Service Giant. By identifying and removing Scorpion harbourage, ingress points as well as prey insects, we can successfully keep Scorpions away for longer. Cockroaches, Wood Lice as well as other common small insects can attract potentially dangerous predatory Insects. When we apply a preventative barrier treatment, we take a look at all factors at play and recommend remedial action. This aids in the long term control of Scorpions and Spiders.

How do you know if a scorpion is dangerous?
Scorpions Come in all shapes and sizes, some live in water while others live in sandy arid areas. Some are poisonous while others are harmless. Successful Scorpion Control Kalk Bay depends on knowledge and biology of the species. By understanding the Pests we deal with we gain an advantage over them. This advantage allows us to identify venomous species from those that are harmless.
Kalk Bay is only home to one genus of dangerous Scorpions. The Parabuthus genus of Scorpions are large thick tailed scorpions. A single sting by one of these will certainly need medical attention. Of the 28+ species of Parabuthus Scorpions, South Africa is home to 20 with Kalk Bay being no stranger to Parabuthus granulatus and many others.
Firstly, Scorpion Control Kalk Bay would like to mention that all Scorpions should be considered highly venomous. Never attempt to exterminate, catch or handle any Scorpion big or small. Just a small laps in judgement could result in a painful and potentially life threatening sting. Always call on help from a local professional.
A Scorpions stinger plays a large part in determining whether its highly venomous or not. A large stinger and small pincers generally mean a higher and more potent venom yield. Larger pincers and a thinner tail mean a less potent sing yielding less venom. The larger appendage needs to compensate for the smaller.
What do you do if you get stung by a Scorpion?
Kalk Bay is no stranger to Scorpion stings. Gardening, hiking, cleaning out the shed can all result in a sting. Scorpions have a nasty habit of hiding in the most inopportune places. Shoes, cloths drawers and even in the seams of curtains are common hiding spots for these nocturnal beasties.
There are several factors at play when determining weather a sting needs medical attention or not. The depth and location of the sting as well as the species involved are very important. Scorpion Control Kalk Bay needs to emphasize that people with heart or respiratory problems as well children and the elderly need to seek medical attention regardless of any of the above factors.
If you get stung by a Scorpion of any shape or size, remember to keep calm. If you panic, your heart will beat faster causing the venom to spread faster. Remember that a Scorpion sting does not mean instant death. Take a pic of the Scorpion or identify the species. If it was a thick tailed Scorpion, seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are anti venom’s available for all necessary species here in Kalk Bay. Thin tailed Scorpions stings can be treated symptomatically. Take a painkiller such as paracetamol or asprin and pack ice in the sting. Clean the wound gently with salt water and apply a bandage in necessary. Its recommended to go for a tetanus shot as your earliest convenience.
What not to do if you get stung by a Scorpion in Cape Town.
According to Scorpion Control Kalk Bay, stings should never be treated using cowboy methods seen on TV. Methods such as sucking venom out or cutting and scraping are just recipes for disaster.
- Never attempt to suck Scorpion venom out of a wound: If you have a sore, ulcer or any open wound in your mouth you could be in some serious trouble. The venom from sting can spread to that of an open wound. If you have a wound in the wrong place it could lead to all sorts of complications. Swollen glands, tongue and throat can cause some serious pain and even suffocation or death.
- Never use a tourniquet to constrict or stop the venom from spreading: Scorpion venom can be even more dangerous if confined to a single area. Let the human body take action and naturally get rid of the toxins on its own.
- Never give the victim alcohol: Alcohol will just complicate matters. It can mask the effects of the venom while thinning the blood allowing the venom to spread quickly.
Scorpions found and treated by Scorpion Control Kalk Bay
Here in Kalk Bay as well as South Africa, there are 6 families of Scorpions. These consist of about 160 species all treated by Scorpion Control Kalk Bay. These species are namely: Parabuthus, Uroplectes, Opistopthalmus, Opistacanthus, Hadogenes and Cheloctonus. Of all these species on this list, the only one medically relevant is the Parabuthus genus. There are about 20 Species of Parabuthus Scorpions found here in Kalk Bay.
Here is some brief information on Scorpions found here in Kalk Bay:
Parabuthus Scorpion Control Kalk Bay:

Parabuthus Scorpions are potentially deadly. A single sting can cause electric like convulsions and a sharp shooting pain while your central nervous system shuts down and your lungs begin to go into paralyses. For every 100 snake bites there are about 250 Scorpion stings, of these 95% are stings by less venomous species.
Parabuthus scorpions are mostly found in dry and arid areas. They are a larger burrowing species with their size ranging between 5cm – 18cm in length from pincer to tail. Most Parabuthus Scorpions here in Kalk Bay are nocturnal, highly venomous and very aggressive.
Male Parabuthus Scorpions are smaller than females and have bulbous pincers wile females pincers are flat. Males also tend to have larger pectines than females.
Uroplectes Scorpion Control Kalk Bay

Uroplectes Scorpions are very common here in Kalk Bay, although this highly aggressive species can deliver a nasty sting they are not deadly. These Scorpions often boast a beautiful array of colors ranging from reds and yellows to burnt orange and black. These fast moving Scorpions can be considered to have a thick tail. This is only mildly true comparing it to their slender body.
Uroplectes Scorpions are a smaller species of Scorpion ranging in size between 2.5cm -7cm. They have distinctively longer and more slender bodies and tails than many other species. These very diverse creatures can live in tropical climates as well as deserts. They are usually found under bark or in sand under the shade of bushes.
Male Uroplectes Scorpions in Kalk Bay are more sleek and slender than females. They also have longer tails.
Opistophthalmus Scorpion Control Kalk Bay

There are about 59 species of Opistopthalmus spread throughout Southern African and Kalk Bay. These burrowing Scorpions are very robust and can burrow into sand of various hardness. Some Opistopthalmus species are knows to reach a staggering 18+cm in length and can even hiss. Opistopthalmus Scorpions are characterized by having large flat pincers and relatively this tails comparing to their bodies. These hardy creatures use their mouth parts to burrow as deep as 2 meters under ground.
Opistopthalmus scorpions appear to be quite aggressive and make a hissing sound if hindered. Unlike other Scorpion species here in Kalk Bay, these use their large mouth parts as defense. The Opistopthalmus genus are of the most beautiful species of Scorpion and almost always have an iridescent shine to them.
Males are smaller and more slender than females. Some species have very large slender pincers and are often kept in captivity as pets.
Use Scorpion Control Kalk Bay to keep your family and pets safe this summer!
Scorpions are an important part of our delicately balanced ecosystem. They are important predatory insects that naturally control pests such as Crickets, Grasshoppers as well as Cockroaches.
At Service Giant Kalk Bay we understand the importants that these Arachnids play, we also understand that they can pose a threat to our family. Its for this reason that we have a specialized Scorpion Control Kalk Bay team of experts. This team can identify key areas that are important to the successful management of dangerous predator insects. Rather than just spray and pray, we use biology and science for the best possible results.
Call our Scorpion Control Kalk Bay Experts for all your Pest Management needs. We are happy to help with free advice on keeping Scorpions away and quotations throughout Kalk Bay and surrounding areas.