Wasps plague many gardens and homes here in Melkbosstrand. Invasive Wasp species are responsible for harming our native Bee populations as well as the killing of many beneficial Spider species. Wasp stings are painful and often need medical intervention, although rarely fatal, stings are never pleasant. Fortunately, Service Giant Pest Control here in Melkbosstrand have an experience team of Wasp exterminators. Common Wasp species are identifies and exterminated with out a hitch. Our Wasp Control Melkbosstrand team are masters of their trade. Bespoke equipment and a in depth knowledge of the species make us a cut above the rest.
Wasp Control Melkbosstrand is a tailored extermination process for stinging insects. Wasps, Hornets and invasive Bees are a common nuisance. By utilizing custom designed equipment, we can access high laying nests with out the use of ladders.
Invasive Wasp Control Melkbosstrand
Invasive Wasps pose more and more of a threat the more they get out of hand. As winter turns to spring, surviving individuals from last season start to hunt, build nests and breed. Our moral obligation as Capetownians is to report these species to a professionals Pest Control company for extermination.
Invasives cause more harm that good. The future of Melkbosstrand deciduous fruit production, natural Eco-system as well as indigenous Bee species lay in our hands. If your home is infested with either European Paper Wasp or German Paper Wasp it is your legal obligation to have them dealt with fast and effectively. Both the German and European Paper Wasp are listed in South Africa’s National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act as Category 1b invasive species which require control by means of an invasive species management program.
A professional Wasp removal company such as ours should always be your first port of call.
How do you repel Wasps?
Repelling Wasps is possible but only under certain circumstances. Experts here at Wasp Control Melkbosstrand have the following helpful hints to make sure your Melkbosstrand home stays as Wasp free as possible.
- First of all, make sure you garden is always well kept. Wasps are hunters and as a result they are mostly insectivorous feeding mainly off Insects. A trimmed lawn and pruned trees will make your garden less favorable for insect activity. The less insects you have for Wasps to prey on the less Wasp problems you may face come spring.
- Remove any stagnant water. All living organisms need water to survive and Wasps are no exception. Make sure there are no old water containers under taps or in your garden. Puddles should also be leveled out to prevent a build up.
- Your home should be treated with a highly synthesized residual insecticide. This will prevent insects such as Wasps and Cockroaches from entering or nesting. Our Wasp Control Melkbosstrand experts offers this service at a nominal fee.
How do you treat Wasps?
With care… European Paper Wasps as well as German Paper Wasps are both diurnal. This means they are active during the day. Treating diurnal stinging insects come with risks. German Wasps are especially aggressive and a DIY approach is never suggested.
Wasp Control Melkbosstrand use a bespoke tool and sting proof personal protective gear to ensure our safety. A slow acting pyrethrin dust is then applied on and inside the Wasps nest. The slow working nature of this dust ensures the insects wont be aggravated during treatments. The dust and contaminated nest is then left behind to kill off stragglers and removed at a later stage.
Common invasive Wasps in Melkbosstrand
Melkbosstrand is home to two main Species of invasive Wasps. The aggressive German Paper Wasp as well as the slightly more docile European Paper Wasp. Due to their extremely aggressive behaviors, both species when threatened will almost certainly attack intruders.
German Paper Wasp Control Melkbosstrand

The German Paper Wasps (Vespula germanica) is a well established pest insect. They are found throughout the world and reign terror on delicately balanced Eco-systems. Adult German Wasps are about 13mm long and are typically yellow and black in color. Black dots on their back sets them aside from their European counterparts.
These Wasps have a very varied diet. Carrion, honey dew, fruit and processed human food as well as other insects are fair game to a hungry Paper Wasp. Insects and arthropod pests are their preferred meals.
German Wasps usually start their nests at the beginning of spring through summer and into early autumn. A single nest can contain as many as 15, 000 individuals. Colonies usually contain many smaller workers with about a quarter of the population being queens and male cells.
European Paper Wasp Control Melkbosstrand

The European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) is the most popular and well documented Social Wasp species on the planet. The complex nature of their hierarchy and diet make for the most superior survival value of all Wasp species. Adult European Paper Wasps range in size between 9mm and 13mm with queens looking nearly identical to workers. These Wasps are yellow and black with 3 distinctive comma shaped spots on their head. This helps sets then aside from their German counterparts.
European Wasps feed mainly off smaller insects and especially caterpillars. This ensures they have food throughout the year and is key to their nack for survival throughout the seasons.
The European Paper Wasp starts a new colony every year. After queens survive winter hibernation they consequently start hunting and building their new nest. The average colony size at its peak is known to reach about 80 individuals. Queens often return to old nesting sites year after year to either continue with their old nest of build one in the same place.
Wasp Removal in Melkbosstrand by Wasp Control Melkbosstrand team of experts.
Wasps will be an ever growing problem if we just sit around and do nothing about the situation. Wasp Control Melkbosstrand are a team of experts with the general well being or our natural fauna and flora at heart. Its with this that we urge people to keep the number of a reputable Wasp Removal specialist in Melkbosstrand close at hand.
Service Giant Pest Control Melkbosstrand are your Wasp removal specialists. Not only do we identify local species from alien species, we can treat them accordingly. Quotations and free and no obligation and services are all guaranteed.
Give us a call for any pest related queries you may have. Our industry experts are always friendly and willing to take your calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.